Erika Galvin

Thea Thompson

Christina Wagers

Amanda Crawford

Allison Bathrick

Rittman Elementary PTO

Rittman PTO encourages your participation.  We meet the third Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm in Elementary School Library. 


2017-2018 PTO Officers

President:  Lydia Hatton

Vice-President:  Jen Shipley

Secretary:  Angie Snyder

Treasurer:  Megan Evans



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Kylie Walsh

Kylie is well-behaved. She is willing to try anything that she is given and never complains. She acts as a peer mediator and is kind to everyone. She is full of stories and is always smiling. She works so hard in class and turns everything in on time. Congratulations for the honor of Student of the Month!

Jacob Bishop

Jacob is a hard worker who always does his best with a positive attitude Jacob is always on task in class and is quick to help others they see are struggling or confused. He demonstrates considerable effort in his academics and takes pride in his learning. Jacob is the model for responsibility and kindness. He has a hard working positive attitude toward his school work.

Chloe Huff

We are proud to nominate Chloe for RES student of the month because she is a kind and respectful young girl. She follows directions quickly and is a great role model to her classmates and always puts her very best effort into her work. She is also a wonderful sister to her brother, David.